VI.981. Edward Norton, b. Apr. 26, 1835, Buffalo, N.Y. (Julia Ann 5, Isaac 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. May 20, 1875, Sarah Catherine Saxe. Res. San Francisco, Calif. (Add. Mrs. Kent, 218 Crescent Ave., San Francisco, Calif.).
Children: VII.2027. Edward Saxe Norton, b. Mch. 14, 1876, unmar. 1927, Spanish Am. War, Cal. Vol., Phillipine Islands. VII.2028. Charles Franklin Norton, b. Oct. 16, 1878 (two children). VII.2029. Murray " b. June 29, 1883. VII.2030. Janet " b. Oct. 3, 1880. VII.2031. Francis Tracy " b. Nov. 9, 1885. (Records by Janet Norton).
VI.982. Julia Norton, b. 1837 (Julia Ann 5, Isaac 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Benjamin Hartshorne.
Children: VII.2032. Julia Norton Hartshorne, b. Feb. 14, 1863. VII.2033. Robert " b. July 9, 1866, San Francisco. VII.2034. Mary Minturn " b. Nov. 22, 1867, San Francisco.
(Failed to obtain records from any of this family. If my memory is not at fault, Max Foster, (author and cousin of the Hart- shornes, when his family dined with us in Vancouver, B.C.), told me: "Bob" Hartshorne had made a name for himself in New York, as a sculptor").
VI.996. John Lord Love, b. March 17, 1841, Buffalo, N.Y. (Martha C.5, Isaac 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Emily Hollister of Buffalo, N.Y. No children. He d. July 7, 1899 at San Francisco, Cal. She was a dau. of James Hollister. (In 1884/5, my family visited a famous California ranch of a Col. Hollister, near Santa Barbara).
VI.997. Leila Love, b. May 12, 1844, Buffalo, N.Y. (Martha C.5, Isaac 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Feb. 13, 186-(?) at Hong Kong, China, William Hammond Foster, Jr., of Boston, Mass. and Hong Kong, China. She died Oct. 26, 1899 at New York.
Children: VII.2035. Reginald Love Foster, b. Nov. 25, 1869, at Hong Kong, China. VII.2036. Maxmillan Holland " b. Feb. 27, 1871, at San Francisco,Cal. (Records by Col. Reginald Love Foster).
VI.999. Martha Maltby Love, b. ---- (Martha C.5, Isaac 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Frederick Emory Foster (brother of William H. Foster, Jr., who mar. her sister Leila Love) of Boston, Mass., and Manilla, Philippine Islands. She furnished valuable records of de- scendants of Gen. Isaac Maltby for this genealogy.
Children: VII.2037. Frederick Love Foster, b. in Manila, P.I., and d. there aged 15 mo., 23 days. Buried beside his grandparents in Laurel Hill Cemetery, San Francisco, Cal. VII.2038. Martha Murray Foster, b. Hong Kong, China, unmarried.