"Alone" (For H. L.) "Alone, Yet not alone, She walked the garden paths. The birds, In springtime, talked with her, The flowers knew her words. Her thoughts flew Far beyond the village, Where her life was spent, And in these journeyings Was found her mind's content. Of all life's cares, But soared with prophets, And with sages, Alone, Yet not alone, For in the beauty of her garden plot She found the dream of all the ages." (Note. Martha Linsley Spencer is the author of the above. She was Poetry Editor of Hartford Times in 1933). (Hartford Times. Aug. 26, 1933) "Miss Hannah Linsley, Northford. Dies at 93.
Miss Hannah Linsley died at her home in Northford (North Branford) Saturday at the age of 93.
Of early colonial ancestry Miss Linsley had lived in Northford all her life and in the same house sixty-three years.
She was the last of her generation, but leaves many nephews, nieces, grand-nephews and grand-nieces, and still another group of great-great grand nephews and nieces.
Among these are Mrs. Fullerton Grisset of Tokio, Japan, Prof. Earl Linsley of Mills College, California; Ray K. Linsley of Bristol, Halsey Spencer of Longmeadow; Mrs. Leon Hart of Unionville; and Mar- tha Linsley Spencer of Hartford.
Keenily alive to all that went on in the world, with faculties unimpaired, Miss Linsley had lived alone until the last two years.
She had lived through the Civil, Spanish and World wars.
She had seen all the marvels of these days, but clung to the old familiar ways.
At the time of the last eclipse she was one of the favored few in Connecticut to see it clearly.
Birds and flowers filled her dooryard until she was no longer able to tend her garden.
The fruneral will be held at the home Friday afternoon. Burial will be in the family plot in Northford Cemetery."
The compiler treasures a Birthday card sent by cousin Hannah, when she was 92. Over a spray of pink berries, a bird is resting on a branch of flowers and verse "Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving."