Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

"Hannah was a great lover of flowers and kept a beautiful gar- den of flowers on the old place. The farm had shrunk through the years since Lieut. Joseph acquired some of it direct from the In- dians and after her death, there being none to carry on, the last part of the farm, which had been the Linsley family headquarters for 200 years, passed out of the family entirely."

     "Copied and treasured by our Aunt Hannah."
            Easter Thanksgiving.
            By Margaret Sangster.
     "Thank God for the dear ones safe today,
        Safe at home on the happy shore,
     Where the smile of the Father beams for age,
        And the shadow of pain shall fall no more.
     Thank God for the hearts that have done with sin,
        For the eyes that shall never be blind with tears,
     Thank God for the beautiful, entered in
        To the perfect rest of the fadeless years.

     Thank God today for the hope sublime
        Which fills our souls in the darkest hours;
     Thank God that the transient cares of time
        are wreathed in the glory of fadeless flowers;
     Thank God for the rift in the desolate grave,
        'Tis the soldier's couch, not the captive's prison
     He hallowed its portal who died to save,
        And we write o'er the arch "The Lord is risen!"

Hannah is buried in the Northford Cemetery beside her father and mother. Letter from Martha Linsley Spencer, Oct. 14, 1933

     73 Evergreen Avenue, Hartford, Conn.

(Dau. of Esther Ann Linsley who was granddau. of Sarah (4) Maltby) "Dear Cousin Dorothy Verrill--

The enclosed notice from the Hartford Times, and the poem, which was read at the funeral, will tell you of Aunt Hannah's passing, if you have not already heard.

She would have been ninety four in November--a wonderful age and a fine mind. It's a long time to live with ones unattained de- sires but Aunt Hannah "lived" in spite of being "alone."

She so often spoke of you and so enjoyed your letters that I feel that I know you.

Your appreciation of her was a joy to her--and how she loved her home!

The place is being dismantled and they are trying to sell--I hope someone gets it who will have some love for it and the flowers and choice shrubs she had there.

The last time I saw her--asking if I had seen her Althea in bloom--and was the clematis by the shed in bloom--

It was used to cover the casket and she was a beautiful little old lady in sleep. I add my appreciation to hers--that you gave her joy.

                             Very sincerely yours,

                               Martha Linsley Spencer."





