"An interest in the famous breed of Jersey cattle led the doctor to become their champion and in 1885 he completed and edited his un- precedented and comprehensive work, entitled: 'Jersey Cattle in Amer- ica.'
They resided on 39th Street.
In 1893 they resided with their second daughter near Bethel, Conn. Later Dr. Linsley bought a home in Baldwin Place, N.Y. and with his wife and daughter Edith, lived there until his death in 1917; when his widow and Edith went to Plainville, where, in 1948, Edith was still living.
Children of Dr. John Stephen Linsley, Jr. & Mary Walker Lyon: VII.1958. Mary Linsley, b. Oct. 14, 1867. VII.1959. *Lillian " b. Oct. 8, 1870, m. Rev. A. C. McConnell VII.1960. Edyth " b. Mar. 23, 1873, an artist. VII.1961. Gertrude (Goldie) Linsley, b. Jan. 22, 1875; d. Jan. 22, 1878. *Lillian McConnell furnished much Maltby data for this book, and was a constant correspondent for forty years, until her last letter at Christmas, 1952. She wrote of her father: "He died suddenly, March 18, 1917. He went out to feed the chick- ens and did not return. Edyth went out to find why, and found him dead."
VI.941. Hannah Linsley, b. Nov. 23, 1839 (John S. Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Resided at the homestead, on the same farm that her grandfather, James Linsley, settled on in 1793, at Northford, Conn., but the old house was in another place and torn down sixty or more years ago. The barn fell down on 4th of July, 1906.
"Cousin" Hannah and the compiler, corresponded for long years, and her records of the early Maltbys were most valuable. The snap- shot she sent when aged 92, and two views of her Northford home are treasured, also a few of her letters. On July, 1906, she wrote: "I remember how everything looked then, the fine trees and the flower garden, all gone now except the lilacs. . .My grandfather moved down here from upper part of Northford, in 1793, and bought this farm from various owners. My Father kept it together and added more, but most of it is already out of the name and my portion with the house will likely go out of the name when I leave it.
Northford used to be filled with a fine class of people, but not now. Those people are dead, or moved away. Nothing in town desire- able to bring any Linsley back, although Ray says: 'the place where Father and Grandfather were born and his father lived and toiled, remains a sacred place.' "
Major Ray Keyes Linsley writes of her: "After the war James Hal- sey Linsley came home, married and settled just across the road from his home, and after his father's death, he carried on the farm work, but Hannah cared for the mother for nearly 20 years, and then lived in the old house alone, long after brother James and his wife had died and his family had sold out and left. Hannah lived there alone almost 30 years. Even after she became helpless and the care of nephews and nieces, she would not leave, and so outlived all the fam- ily and was almost 94 at her death, Aug. 26, 1933.
Her long life was full of kindness to others and her long and intricate knowledge of the Linsley tribe has furnished much of the data which I was able to furnish John M. Lindly for his book, and am using now in this work.