Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

     VII.1957.  Arthur Maltby Linsley, b. Aug. 7, 1873; d.s.p. Feb. 2, 1928
               at Middletown, Ct.  (Another rec. "d. Jan. 25, 1928")

Major Ray Keyes Linsley in his Linsley Gen. prints long articles concerning Capt. James Halsey Linsley, from "The Shore-Line Times, Northford"--and "Hartford has Witnessed Return of It's Soldiers from Other Wars," p.p. 106/107.

VI.940. Dr. John Stephen Linsley, Jr., M.D., (John S. Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Born Jan. 19, 1838, Northford, Ct., mar. Oct. 10, 1866, Mary Walker Lyon, at Bridgeport, Ct., she b. Jan. 21, 1840: d. May 19, 1932 at Plainville, Ct., aged 92 years, 4 mo. Both buried at Northford. She was dau. of Horace Lyon and Mary Eleanor Beach, of Bridgeport. His dau. Mary (Linsley) Horton wrote:

"His childhood was spent on his father's large farm where he gained by thoughtful observation of nature, and by an unusual memory, his intense love of flowers and birds. At the age of 4 he began the pupilage of a country school, at 11 was well advanced in Algebra and natural Philosophy. At 17, he attended the North Haven Academy and the same year was admitted to the third year class of the State Normal School of New Britain, Conn., where he graduated in 1859. He had a rich bass voice and was a member of the Glee Club. At 18 he taught school at Trumbull, Ct., and subsequently a part of each year teaching in New Haven and Fairfield Counties, until the outbreak of the Civil War.

At Bridgeport he met Dr. C. E. Sanford of that city, and decided to become a Homeopathic physician, and entered his office to study. It was his determination to study medicine, and that of his brother Maltby, to enter the ministry, but the outbreak of the war caused them to first serve their country. John and brother, Maltby, offered themselves as recruits in the 10th Conn. Vol., of which their elder brother was connected, and were transferred to the 14th U.S. Infantry in Oct. 1862.

Reaching camp in Virginia, John was appointed Hospital Steward. That winter there was an outbreak of typhoid fever following the battle of Frederickburg, and Maltby was nursed back to health by John, who then returned to headquarters at Fort Trumbull, Ct., where he continued as Hospital Steward.

Maltby passed examination for Lieutenant, but was lost in the terrible Battles of the Wilderness, May 1864, when sent out as a scout. His tiny Greek testament was all they could take back to his mother.

May, 1864, John went before the Army Medical Board at N.Y. and passed for appointment, receiving his warrant as Hospital Steward, U.S.A. and sent for duty to Hospital for officers, Bedloe's Island, N.Y. harbor. Transferred later to Battery Barracks and Transit Hos- pital, with privilege of matriculating in Bellevue Medical College. Subsequently he entered the New York Homeopathic College, graduating in 1866, valedictorian in a class of forty.

Dr. Linsley's wife, Mary Walker Lyon, was a remarkable lovely character, of rare ability in many directions, notably in art.

The went to New York City to reside. He was installed as House Physician of the N.Y. Homeopathic Dispensary in 1866, where he super- intended a large staff of physicians, and surgeons and personally treated 25,000 patients. He had the reputation of making accurate diagnosis and rapid and complete cures.





