Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

Reversio due me out of the estate of Josiah Willard of Wethersfield. To my son-in-law, Malby # 5, etc." Pr. 1 Sept. 1687.

In 1687-8. Mar. 7. Church Members, Branford.

"Wm. Maltby - Hannah Maltby" and---

1689-90. Hannah Maltbie and William Maltbie witness a deed of John Yale, at Branford.

She must have died by 1692, as Samuel Maltby, son of William and Abigail Bishop Maltby was born Aug. 7, 1693, at Branford. No other record of Hannah Maltby has been found insofar as I can learn. No record of William's marriage to Hannah could be found at Branford, Wethersfield, Hartford, or Northampton, where Thomas Hosmer resided.

Returning to Branford Records, Vol. I.

(p. 144) Dec. 11, 1679. "William Maltbye was chosen constable for ye ensueing year."

(p. 397) Dec. 29, 1679. Wm. Maltby drew "No. 1, for a cow pasture."

(p. 398) "also lot No. 4."

(p. 146) Feb. 13, 1679-80. Wm. Maltby and John Frisbie are appoint- ed auditors and collectors. He was also one of the committee to hire and pay a carpenter for building a barn for Mr. Mathers, at town expense."

(p. 162) Dec. 8, 1680. He was appointed to see that someone "performs his engagements."

(p. 308) Mar. 31, 1681. "Wm. Maltbye, and others, chosen to appoint what houses shall be fortified when they judge there is occasion for it, and to appoint who shall belong to each house.

(p. 310) May 30, 1681. "Appointed to view two lots of land."

(New Haven Colony Rec., p. 82)

(Sept. 7, 1681. At a towne meeting Sept. ye 7, 1681, Mr. Barker, Mr. Maltbye and Thomas Harrison are appointed to sit in the 2nd seat in the meeting house upon Sabbath dayes and other publique dayes and those three men are appointed to seat every man and women in the town, viz: to appoint where they shall sit in the meeting house upon those days."

(Note. These seatings were assigned in accordance with rank or importance. Possibly the minister's family had the first seat.)

(Branford Rec., Vol. I)

(p. 92) "Feb. 1, 1681-2. Mr. Edward Barker, Mr. William Maltbye and Samuel Pond wre chosen Townsmen for the year ensuing."

(p. 99) "1681. Deed of Daniel Swaine, mentions land bounded with William Maltbye on ye S. E."

(p. 94) "Feb. 7, 1681-2. The town have given William Maltbye a small parcell of land, about half an acre, joining George Page's house lot, and ranging with his fence. John Frisbie and George Page are appointed to lay it out.

(p. 104-8) "Mar. 14, 1681-2. Appointed to view the general fences; also "to lay out land by George Page's."

(p. 106) William Maltby gives his reasons for declining the office of fence viewer.

(p. 101) 1681-2. A deed of Robert Footes, "With William Maltbye on the east."