the Captain say we would reach land?' he replied 'in about six days.' A sailor standing near remarked: "The ship may, but you will go over the side before that.' His companion who was really a ro- bust man but imagined he had every kind of disease, burst into tears and said: 'What will become of me, I certainly will die before you do'! To which Mr. Maltby replied: "What does an old ignoramus of a sailor know about whether I shall live or die, I am going to Eng- land on this ship and not only that but I am going back to America."
The sailor looked him over and said: "Well, when a man looks as you do, has that much of grit and nerve it wouldn't surprise me if he did." Norman Maltby was 72 years old when he died.
Norman Maltby mar. Sept. 16, 1841, Lovina Maria Wright, dau. of William and Susanna (Sessions) Wright, b. Nov. 8, 1816, Vernon, N.Y., d. Dec. 2, 1886, in Santa Fe, New Mexico and is buried in Sedalia, Mo. He d. Nov. 20, 1876 in Sedalia, Pettis Co., Missouri.
A daughter, Mary (Maltby) Victory, wrote: "The spirit of never give up, carried him through many trials in after life."
"On his return to America he went to Westmoreland, where he became a clerk in a general merchandise store; one of the first in- structions he had from his employer was: "Obey orders if you break owners," and "If you sell anything that is to be charged, if the store is on fire make the charge, then save the books and anything else you can."
Later he went to Vernon and entered into partnership in the general merchandise business with William S. Armitage, under the firm name of Maltby and Armitage.
In 1861, he removed to Cleveland, N.Y., and from there in 1863 to Rome, N.Y., where he, in connection with Samuel Wardwell or- ganized the firm of Wardwell and Co., dealers in hardware, at 54 Dominick Street.
In 1865 he went to Missouri in farming and sheep raising in Henry Co. In 1868 he removed to Sedalia, Mo., and engaged in mercan- tile business, in which he continued until his death in 1876.
While he was never a politician he was elected in 1875, Mayor of Sedalia. He was a States Rights Democrat, was opposed to the War, was a delegate to the peace convention at Charlestown, was for many years a member of the Methodist church, but left it in 1863 as he said "He could hear all the politics and war talk he wanted to hear during the week, and did not want to hear it from the pulpit." He soon after became a member of the Episcopal Church at Rome, and was vestryman and warden of the church at Sedalia, being senior war- den at the time of his death. He was a conscientious Christian, a man noted for many sterling qualities of head and heart, and for his honesty and integrity.
Mr. Maltby descended from many prominent families, amongst them: John Wales of Idle, Eng., John Greenaway, Dorchester, Mass., Thomas Stevens, London, Eng., Major Simon Willard, Thomas Brigham, b. 1603, Ralph Wheelock, William Ward, John Pope, William Blake, b. 1594; Thomas Astell; John Corbin, the Spoffords; Alexander Sessions, Edward Wright, etc.
(Note. It seems to the compiler some of these names are ances- tors of his wife, but all are ancestors of their children). A photograph of Norman Maltby was published on p. 341 of the "Maltby- Maltbie Family History."