(Note. I find in Virginia in "1658. Margaret Raymond with Margaret Rooksby." This should be of value to descendants of Raymond and Rooksby, as it is in 1664 John Maltby's rum was to be sold in Virginia, or to Mr. John Rooksby, Merchant, in Barbados.)
William Maltby was in New Haven, 1672, for in that year his daughter, Mary, was born. Probably named for William's mother, Mary Williamson. Possebly the eldest daughter Jane, who was born in 1669 at Bawtry, Yorks, was named for the mother of William's wife, Rachel. This was usual.
By Jan. 9, 1673, William's son, William, was born at Branford and it was on April 16, 1673, that William Maltby purchased his "dwelling house" at Branford, from Thomas Blatchley of Branford. He paid 100 pounds for the property which comprised: "dwelling house, barns, orchards, garden, homestead with all other buildings and fencings there upon and all singular ways of waters, commodities, privileges and appurtenances whatsoever, to the same...may appertain...several parcels of land and meadow, viz. Two acres be it more or less, adjacent to Mulliners Neck, and my division therein, my land and meadow at the harbour's mouth, commonly called Scotch Cap, six acres, be it more or less, at the great plain, my piece of meadow at the point, one piece of upland lying against it, containing by affirmation, three acres be it more or less, one piece of upland lying on the other side of the river over against Mr. Wilford's, his home lot contain- ing by affirmation, three acres be it more or less. One piece of upland and one piece of meadow in the Indian Neck; one little piece of meadow in the corner of Norton's meadow, one piece of meadow in the mill quarter with all the right of commanage and other divided and undivided lands that doth or hereafter may belong unto the said accomodations being situated and laying within the township and bounds of the town of Branford in New England, etc, etc."
Dated "16 April, 1673. Witnessed by James Bishop, Assist. Edward Barker Robert Maltbye." Thomas Blachley. "At a town meeting in month of April, 1673, Susanna, the wife of Thomas Blachley did freely give her consent to the above written act and deed of sale. Recorded by Eleazer Stent, Recorder
I was told, many years ago, that William Maltby's home was on the same street as the Old Burying Ground. James Bishop became his father in law, by Williams's 3rd wife, Abigail Bishop. Edward Barker was grandfather of Elizabeth Barker, who married Samuel Maltby (2). Robert Maltbye was William's younger brother.
(Branford Rec. Vol. I, p.376.) includes the following:
"John Harrison sold to Wm. Maltby a black horse, marked, etc." (Colonial Records of Conn. 1663-1667. p.199; N.S.S. Printed Records, Vol. II, p.199) give the following:
"May 16, 1673, at Hartford. This Court accepts the list of Troopers, presented by Captayn John Nash and Captayn Thomas Topping, for New Haven County, and does confirm Captayn Topping to be Captayn and Mr. William Maltby to be Cornet. of said troop." (Note.) "Cornet" (defination) "a troop of horse, said to be so called because each company had a cornet player, formerly the title of the officer who carried the ensign, or colours