VII.1417. Elizabeth Post, b. Apr.18,1835; m. *Guilford Dudley Bliss. VII.1418. Melissa " b. Apr. 13, 1837; d. Dec. 22, 1904. VII.1419. Bela " b. Jan. 10, 1839; m. Elizabeth Walker. VII.1420. Lydia Minerva Post, b. May 17, 1841; m. John Mitchell. VII.1421. Zenas Alphonzo " b. Dec. 31, 1843; m.(1) Eva Delphine Marvin. m.(2) Nellie Peck. VII.1422. Calcina Belden " b. Jan. 10, 1846; d. Feb. 28, 1847, Castile, N.Y. VII.1423. Deborah Jane " b. Mar. 11, 1848; m. William Lorenzo Lowell. VII.1424. Aaron Dufay " b. June 1, 1850; m. Sophronia Emma Clark.
*The name "Guilford Dudley" is interesting. Guilford, Conn. (where our ancestor William (1) Maltby, is called "of Guilford, 1678-9") is thought to have been named "in honor of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicaster, whose second title was Lord Guilford."
(From "250th Anniversary of Guilford," Address by Samuel Hart, D.D. Prof. in Trinity Coll., Hartford, p. 164).
The family of Sir Nicholas Malby (Maltby) believed to be close- ly related to our Maltbys, had a connection with the Dudleys. Am- brose Dudly, Earl of Warwick, was elder brother of Robert Dudly, Earl of Leicaster. Sir Nicholas Malby served under Ambrose Dudly in France. (Machyris Diary. p. 290. State Pop. Dom. Elizabeth,XXIV, 41).
In 1565, 21 June. Letter. Robert Huggins to Earl of Leicaster dated Madrid, mentions "Nicholas Malby and his brother." (evidemtly Capt. John Malby).
(State Papers, Ireland) "Malby belonged to the Leicaster, faction in Ireland." (See below). Mary Dudly (sister of Ambrose and Robert) mar. Sir Henry Sydney, who knighted Sir Nicholas Malby in Ireland, on "7 Oct. 1576."
Lastly, Catherine Dudly (another sister) mar. Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntingion. No issus.
A letter dated "London, 1598" from "Rowland Whyte to Sir Robert Sidney" states: "I went to my Lady Huntingdon's and besought Mrs. Malby to let her know what hindrance I found to your return." (At St. Martins in the Fields London, there is a record:).
"1600. Mar. 22, Bapt. Hastings Mawlby." (This Church is where Dame Thomasine Malby, widow of Sir Nicholas, is buried).
In Lincoln, at St. Margarets', Lincoln City, I found: "Bapt. July 12, 1628, Alice, the dau. of Hastings Maltbie."
Lastly some ten or fifteen years ago, there was an article in the newspapers concerning a ring which had been dug up at Stony Creek, near Branford, by a clam digger, and was believed to be the last ring of the Earl of Leicaster. I recall only that it stated part of the seal opened, where it was thought poison had been ancient- ly concealed.
A letter from Miss Carrie Coleman, 15 W. 7th Street, Columbus, Georgia, "May 10, 1931," gives what she knew of her family. Begins with "Samuel Maultsby, mar. Mary Massey. They had a son, David and dau. Catherine, b. 1814 at Fayetteville, N.C. (grandmother of Carrie Coleman). At the end she wrote "This family (Maultsby) claim descent from the Earl of Leicaster." The compiler of the (Quaker) Maulsby