"and was never after able to speak a loud word.
From the date of this battle until the middle of Dec. he was so constantly on duty he rarely slept beneath a roof.
At the beginning of the War New Haven, being in an exposed position was constantly harrassed by the British soldiers, who drove the families of the Whigs out of their houses at the point of the bayonet, while the houses of the Tories were protected from molesta- tion by the royal soldiers. To save his young wife and children from these annoyances, Colonel Douglas purchased a farm of 150 acres about eight miles from New Haven, in the town of Northford.
Disabled at the battle of New York, and no longer able to render service to his country, he returned to his family in Northford. Sur- rounded by those nearest and dearest and comforted by their adminis- trations--he quietly breathed his last, May 28, 1777, at the early age of 35 years.
While on his dying bed speculators came from New Haven and per- suaded him to sell his New Haven property and paid him in Continental bills, which after the war proved to be worthless; so that Col. Douglas' large property was lost to his family, by the depreciation of Continental money.
Colonel Douglas literally sacrificed his life and property for his country. He was a brave and faithful officer, a true patriot and Christian, as shown by his family (?) often amid the dangers of camp, in the warmth of affection, expressed a firm reliance on God.
A modest brown stone marks his resting place in the old burial ground of Northford.
Colonel Douglas married, July 5, 1767, Hannah Mansfield, dau. of Stephen Mansfield of New Haven. She was sister of Col. Jared Mansfield, head of West Point Military Academy, and about the begin- ning of the 18th century, Surgeon General of the United States.
Mrs. Douglas survived her husband forty eight years. They had four children.
Their eldest daughter Olive, married Deacon Solmon Fowler, who was a Captain in the Revolutionary Army. They also lived in North- ford and were the parents of my Mother, Charlotte Fowler Baldwin."
(Vol. 45, p. 338, D.A.R. Magazine)
Note. Deacon Solomon Fowler had a daughter, Melinda Fowler, who mar. May 5, 1819, Julius Maltby, b. 1788. Melinda was b. 1791. (Benjamin (4) Maltby, Benjamin (3), Daniel (2), William (1)).
This marriage gives the children of Julius Maltby, Col. William Douglas as their great-grandfather. ----- PAGE 728 / p. 235a has addenda on V.371 as a post script to page 235.
The compiler owns copies of the portraits of Col. William Doug- las and his wife. Mrs. Douglas has on a low cut square-neck silk gown, the neck-line of fine lace, reveres in V shape to the waist, elbow sleeves, with deep under frills of lace. Her right hand holds a corsage of roses, in the present style, at the centre of the bodice. About her throat are five strands of pearls. The hair is firmly rolled back, and in the centre a floral ornament. Colonel Douglas' frilled shirt, from a white stock, is caught at the top with a pearl heart. Both are very fine looking people.
A picture of John Maltby's homestead at Northford was printed on p. 68, of "Maltby Association Booklet No. 2." The picture was sent by Miss Mary J. Maltby of Northford, in 1908-9; at that time shewrote: "It is the only old Maltby homestead left standing in Northford."