Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

   Children of Rev. John Maltby and Elizabeth Ives:
VI.1025.  Samuel Chauncy Maltby, b. July 17, 1792.
VI.1026.  Selina           "     b. Mar. 4, 1794, bapt. Apr. 20, 1794.
VI.1027.  John             "     b. May 8, 1795.
VI.1028.  Julia Ann (Julianna)"  b. May 17, 1797; bpt. July 9, 1797,
                                                   Northford Rec.
VI.1029. (Dennis              "  b. Oct. 8, 1801; d. Oct. 9, 1801,
                                       lived 20 hours.
VI.1030. ( ------             "  Stillborn.  (Northford Rec.)

Selina (6) (Maltby Foote, wrote:--

"Anne, 4th child of Samuel (Maltbie) and Rosanna Coe, died aged 2 or 3 years, born 7 or 8 months after her father died. Her mother didn't know her state when husband died."

"Granny Lewis accused Samuel Maltby of drinking, when he came home, but disease soon developed and showed. He was sick only a few days. Left a widow and three sons and unborn daughter. Grandma Page" (his wife) "never would go into that room again. Brain fever probably."

As John Maltby's 2nd wife was daughter-in-law of Colonel William Douglas, a very prominent person in Revolutionary times, the follow- ing is appended.

                    "Colonel William Douglas.
          by Harriet M. Damon, Aloha Chapter, Honolulu, D.A.R,

"Colonel William Douglas was born in Plainfield, Conn., Jan. 27, 1742.

At the early age of 16 years he engaged in the French and Indian War. He was chosen orderly serjeant in a company under Israel Put- nam, and participated in the expedition which resulted in the surren- der of Quebec, in 1759, and the spring termination of the war.

He soon after removed from Plainfield to New Haven and engaged in seafaring business, commanding a merchant sailing vessel between New Haven and the West Indies. In this he was very successful, accumulating a fortune.

At the breaking out of the hostilities between the Colonies and Great Britain he abandoned the water, raised a military company in New Haven, of which he was commissioned Captain, May 15, 1775, and presented with supplies and provisions for the troops underMontgomery.

When he reported, Montgomery finding him a good seaman, gave him command of a flotilla on Lake Champlain.

In the Autumn of 1775, Douglas rendered important service in the siege and capture of St. Johns, at the head of the lake, taking large quantities of provisions, arms and other military stores, also canon, that were carried across country and used in the seige of Boston.

In 1776 he raised a regiment near New Haven, of which he was commissioned Colonel, by Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, June 20, 1776.

This regiment equipped, marched to New York and joined the Con- tinental Army under General Washington.

Colonel Douglas participated in the disastrous campaingn of Long Island, taking part at Harlem Heights, White Plains, Phillipe' Manor, Costen (?) River and New York. In the battle of Sept. 15, his horse was shot under him and his clothes perforated with bullets. As a result of this engagement and subsequent exposure he lost his voice





