"While at Street Farm Mrs. Hoadley came to live with herdaughter, Elizabeth, and died at the Maltby house and lies in the Northford graveyard. She was between 70 and 80 at death.
"Grandfather starved to death." (Possibly this record is from a different grandchild) " a palsied spot in his throat, linningdropped down, forming a pocket and food would lodge there, and he would per- haps spit out yesterday's breakfast. The stomach was once entered with a tube, but failed, the second time. Affected some ten years. He would almost cry with hunger when he went to bed. He was a ---- spirited man and energetic, when he took hold of a thing, he pushed everything through."
"Grandmother died Jan. 1, 1831. Liver complaint, enlarged-- dropsey--at Maltby House."
Note. The blank spaces, and the question marks are due to the fact that many of tne notes were in pencil, so badly rubbed, it was impossible to deciper the words).
Mrs. Cushman, a daughter of Rev. John (6) Maltby, also furnished the following newspaper clipping.
"Semi-Centennial Notes by Prof. L. L. Pains, who represented the Banger Theological Seminary at the semi-centenial of the Hammond Street Church, gave the cordial greetings of the Seminary, and referr- ed to the intimate and pleasant relations which subsisted between the church and Seminary, mingling together in its public and social worship, receiving prompt and substantial aid in sustaining the institution, etc.
The first pastor, Rev. John Maltby, was elected as Trustee in 1835; Secr. 1837 and President of the Board for 1849 until his death in 1860.
A memorial window to Rev. John Maltby, a very elegant one, cost- ing about seven hundred dollars, is to be erected.
"There is quite an interesting fact connected with the early history of Dr. Maltby of Taunton, who in January last, preached his fortieth anniversary sermon. Forty years ago, Judge Morton, after- wards Governor, who was then on the Supreme Bench, was a member of the North Congregational Society in Taunton. The parish was without a pastor. While absent from home and in his juridicial duties, the Judge heard a young student from Andover preach, by the name of Maltby. He was greatly pleased with him. He wrote to the parish at Taunton requesting them to send for the young man to preach as a candidate. A letter of invitation was accordingly sent to Andover. Now there were in the Seminary at that time two young men of that name, and the invitation got into the hands of the wrong Maltby. He accepted the invitation, preached to the satisfaction of the par- ish, and accepted a call. The fact was announced to Judge Morton and he was invited to be present at the ordination. He replied, ex- pressing his gratification at the election of Mr. Maltby, and his regret that his official duties prevented him from being present.
He returned to his home late one Saturday and found his family and parish in rapture over the new minister. He went to Church on Sunday and was greatly annoyed to find a stranger occupied the pul- pit. He was astounded when he heard that the stranger was the new pastor. He had reconmended no such man, did not want to hear him, and would not. He insisted that the new pastor, who had hardly got warm in his nest, should be dismissed and his friend called. As this