Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

V.348. John Stephen Linsley, b. July 19, 1806, Northford (Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). He was born on the old farm at Northford, and died there, June 30, 1876, after an accident. Baptist and Republican. Mar. Nov. 11, 1834, Eliza Ann Halsey of Bridgehampton, L.I., who lived until Oct. 8, 1895, much beloved by all her children and grandchildren. She was b. Aug. 31, 1809, dau. of Simon Halsey and Prudence Corwin of Long Island.

"Simon Halsey was a direct descendant of John Halsey who leased "The Parsonage" from the monks about 1500 A.D. Henry VIII gave it to his son William Halsey in 1545.

Thomas Halsey, son of Robert and a great grandson of William, was one of the early settlers on L.I., where Phoebe, the wife who came with him from England, was killed by Indians in 1649. Thomas had a son, a grandson and a great grandson, all named Jeremiah Hal- sey, and Jeremiah, 3rd. was the father of Simon.

Prudence Corwin descended from Matthias Corwin the first of the name in America; settled at Ipswich, Mass., in 1633, moved to L.I., 1640, had a son John, grandson Samuel, great grandson, Samuel, whose son James mar. Prudence Goldsmith and they were the parents of Prudence Corwin. Simon Halsey was b. in 1765; d. 1833. Prudence Corwin was b. about 1770.

The children of John Stephen Linsley were neither blonde nor brunette. Two had blue eyes, the others dark eyes. Some had golden hair, others chestnut brown. It all grew into dark hair as they grew elder, and mostly curly. The father, mother and all children but Harvey Maltby and Esther are buried at Northford.

The 4 sons were all in the Civil War. James Halsey served 4 years; wounded 3 times.

John Stephen, Jr. served 3 years, most of the time as Steward in Hospitals.

Lieut. Benjamin Maltby, just out of Conn. Litt. Inst. at Suf- field and ready for college, enlisted in the 14th U.S. Infantry. He was appointed 1st Lieut. in Gen. Orders, May, 1864, and a few days later, May 9, 1864, in the Battle of the Wilderness went out on Scout duty, and was never seen or heard of again.

Harvey served a while with his brother John as assistant Hosp. Steward."

Probably the most tragic item in this history was the fire ex- perienced by this family as shown by the following letter.

                                  "Northford.  Feb'y. 16/55

Miss Elizabeth Linsley,

Dear Niece, A note from your mother and yourself accompanying a box containing some articles of clothing, were duly rec'd; for which I feel very thankful to you and your Dear Mother. When I opened the box its contents reminded me so much of my dear Brother that the tears ran down into the box.

You will excuse me for not acknowledging it before, when I tell you that for a long time I had neither pen, ink or paper. Found a quill but no knife to make a pen had I in fire. Most of the time since, my time has been occupied from 5 o'clock A.M. till 9 and 10 or 11 at night.

I have reason to be thankful that so many have thought of me in the hour of my need. I have received considerable from friends in New Haven, some from strangers. One young man sent me by a neigt-





