whose mother was Elizabeth (4) Maltby, Nathaniel (3), John (2), William (1).
They were third cousins, once removed, the generations not even as Sophia descended from John (2) eldest son of William, and Rev. J. H. Linsley descended from Daniel (2), a much younger brother of John.
V.341. Olive Linsley, b. Sept. 21, 1789, Northford (Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. June 9, 1811, Asa Foote, b. Dec. 28, 1773, s. of Daniel Foote of Branford, Ct., Northford Society, and Mary Ingraham. He d. Jan. 4, 1833. (Ref. Linsley Gen., p. 83).
Note. This record is undoubtedly correct, but in a note sent me, Asa Foote is called son of Leander Foote. (Ref. Mrs. Cushman's notes).
Children: VI.917. Henry Leander Foote, b. May 5, 1812, m. Caroline Bradley of Charlestown, S.C.; d. unmarried. VI.918. Eliza Ann " b. Apr.5, 1824; m. Cyrus Cook ofGuilford. (*Descendants of Nathaniel Foote," p. 228).
V.342. Esther Linsley, b. Mar. 21, 1792, Northford, bp. May 6, 1792, (Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Nov. 28, 1822, Augustus Blackstone. They lived at Branford in early life. He died in 1878. Major R. D. Linsley has: "They had one dau." (Branford V.R. and Family Records). My notes give them three sons, William, John and James L. Blackstone.
"John Blackstone mar. Ursula (?) Adams.
"James L. " m. Isabel Elizabeth Lee.
Had children. Lee Blackstone Baby, not named. Charles Blackstone. Renal " Note. This Blackstone family were prominent in Branford, from early times. The Blackstone Library at Branford commemorates their name.
V.343. Emily Linsley, b. Apr. 14, 1794, Northford, bpt. June 1, 1794 (Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Jan. 29, 1816, Samuel Cooper, at Northford, he b. June 6, 1790. She d. July 17, 1839, at New Haven, ae. 44. He d. Mar. 1, 1867. T.S. in New Haven.
Child: VI.919. Dan Cooper. "Major Linsley gives only this son. My record is:-- Children: VI.920. Sophia Cooper, m. Rev. Thos. Goodwin, No child, I think. VI.921. Daniel Smith Cooper, b. Oct. 4, 1819. VI.922. Thomas " VI.923. Julia Ann " VI.924. Emily "
V.344. Elizabeth Maltby Linsley, b. July 21, 1796, Northford, Bapt. Sept. 28, 1796 (Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Aug. 21,