Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

(Record Book. I (eye) Co. Reg. of Deeds. Hillsdale Co., Mich.

"Amos W. Langion and wife, and Oliver E. Maltby, of New York, deed land to Henry V. R. Schar???h?rn. The Indenture dated Oct. 28, 1837. Deed received and recorded. Nov. 24, 1842."

Oliver Ellsworth Maltby left an estate of $300,000, a large amount for his time.

A New Haven newspaper, published a picture of his home-- (a copy owned by compiler). It is headed:

                    "Maltby House.  Fair Haven."
(text) "The Maltby mansion, the interior of which was destroyed by fire recently, is one of the interesting landmarks of the section of the city. It was erected by Oliver E. Maltby about 65 years ago, and was then in the middle of his estate which comprises about 30 acres, extending along Grand Avenue from Mill River to the present site of the car barns.

Tradition has it that Oliver E. Maltby's father purchased this large tract over a century ago from an Indian chief, for the con- sideration of a bright colored calico dress, which afterwards adorned the form of the chief's squaw." (This must have been published in 1914).

My grandmother Maltby's old Family album came to me, and amongst the portraits is one marked Els." As Oliver Ellsworth was first cousin of my Grandfather Maltby's father, Augustus (5), I feel quite certain this is Oliver Ellsworth who was always called "Ellsworth Maltby." It is taken as a young man. The hair is quite curly, grows high on the temples--usual in this branch of the Maltbys-- face oval, nose slightly long, rather a sad face.

VI.905.  Harriet Maltby, b. -----; died unmar., I think.
VI.906.  Ellsworth Board Maltby, b.    1842.
VI.907.  Mary Amoret       "     b.    1846; m. 1871, J. HowardWarner.

V.335. George Maltby, b. Oct. 16, 1796 (Jonathan 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1), Mar. Jane Betsey Dixon. He d. in New Haven, Ct., in 1861.

VI.908.  Elizabeth Maltby, b. in 1848; m. Henry Lane, Van Reypen Ave.,
                Jersey City. Frequent requests for records met with
                the reply "not interested."

V. 336. Lucius Maltby, b. Jan. 28, 1798 (Jonathan (4), Benj.(3), Dan.(2), Wm.(1)), mar. Feb. 1, 1827, Sarah J. Parks. ("b. in June," Rev. Jonathan (4)). Northford Church Record gives his bapt. as "Bapt. Aug. 26, 1798, Lucius, son of Jonathan and Submit Maltby."

VI.909.  Oliver Ellsworth Maltby, b. Aug. 6, 1827.
VI.910.  George Erastus     "     b. Feb. 18, 1830.
VI.911.  Jane Almira        "     b. Oct. 12, 1832.
VI.912.  Lucius Upson       "     b. Feb. 20, 1834.
VI.913.  Frederick          "     b. 1836; died young.
VI.914.  Grace Amoret       "     b. 1839. 





