1672. Signed, sealed and Delivered. In the presence of James Bishop. John Maltbie. Martha Roundletell (her mark.)"
(Alexander Bryan, grandfather of Mary, who married John Maltby, "bought land at Eaton's Neck, just East of Oyster Bay." I take it this is "Eaton's Point" on present maps. I am told it is now Huntington, L.I.) There may be a Branford connection here as: "Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. VI, p.319". "Semi-centenial discourse of Rev. Timothy P. Gillett, paster of the Church (Branford) preached July 7, 1858")
"The tract of land, which for about two centuries constituted the town of Branford, was purchased of the town of New Haven in 1644, by colonists, or immigrants from Wethersfield with William Swain at their head. The settlers in New Haven had purchased it of the Indian Sachem in 1638. (Sept. 1, 1640) "Totoket, or Branford, was granted to Rev. Samuel Eaton, brother of Theophilus Eaton, Governor of New Haven Colony, provided he obtained a sufficient number of his friends to settle it..."Eaton failed to do this and Branford was sold to William Swain and others, of Wethers- field."
Whether or not the following pertains to our John Maltbye, I do not know. "Virginia Gleamings in England" gives the Will of "Thomas Collins, Citizen and Barber. Chirugion of London. Will dated 12 June 1657; proved 15 Oct. 1657. Under a list of "Kinsmen and friends," are the names Master Alexander Eaton.
Master John Malby." The term "Master" indicates young men of good family.
The two children of John Maltby were baptized at New Haven, Conn. June 1, 1673.
II.2. John Maltby, b. June 1, 1673, New Haven. II.3. Mary Maltby, b. June 1, 1673, " " (They were twins.)
We know little more of John Maltby; he probably died as early as 1675, as the Inventory of the Estate of John Maltbye was taken April 10, 1676, by William Bradley and John Winston. # 58 pounds, 5 shillings, 5 pence." (Probate Record New Haven." (from "New Eng. Hist. Gen. Reg. April 1927.")
I am told that there is a record (Branford Rec. Vol. I. p.414) dated "Nov. 13, 1671, Branford, where John Maltbie witnessed a sale." (New Haven Rec. Vol. I., p.175) of. Savage Gen. Dict., Vol. III, p.145.
"Jno. Maltbye. An Inventory of the Estate of Mr. John Mallbye, reported to be lost at sea, and apprised by underwritters, 10th: 4th: 1676." (The writing was difficult to read and there may be errors in the following transcript.)
# s. d. "Imp. woollen woollen wearing cloathes 2 0 0 a hat and leather (?) stockings 0 4 0 It.a shirt, drawers, bands and bandstrings 2 5 0 6 payre sheets 4 0 0 6 pillow covers 2 0 8 It. 24lb. of flax 1 4 0 3 yds of tufted holland 0 9 0