Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

"Any communication from you will be met with pleasure and any information I can give will be furnished with pleasure.

Yours Sincerely
Stephen L. Maltby."

(In same writing below is a note:)

"Mr. Maltby is now in his 73rd year and his hand trembly so as almost to disqualify him for writing though he retains his faculties and usefulness as an efficient Christian.

He adds that the family of Maltbys are somewhat numerous but he has not known one of them who have been or are intemperate."

The Prescott Ancestry is: "The New England Prescotts, descended from Prescotts of Lancashire and Lincolnshire, England. The New Hampshire, thence to Vermont Prescotts were from Lincolnshire." (Ref. John Prescott Guild, 19 Hurd St., Lowell, Mass.)

1. James Prescott m. Mary, d. of Nathaniel and Grace Boulter.

2. James " m. Maria Marston, d. of William and Rebecca Page.

3. Samuel " m. Mary Sanborn, dau. of Joseph and Mary Gove.

4. Jeremiah " and 1st. wife, Mary Hayes. He signed the "Assoc- iation Test in 1776."

5. Col. Jeremiah Prescott mar. Jane Sherburne of Epson, N. H. "He was a Lieut. in Capt. Nathan Sanborn's Company, Colonel Evans Regt. in 1777."

Stephen Lee Maltby is given as having "2 boys and 6 girls." I do not have a complete list of these eight children. The sons were:

VI.657.  William Maltby
VI.658.  Stephen   "
VI.659.  Huldah C. "
VI.660.  Julia     "   "mar. a Mr. Stoddard."
VI.661.  Sarah Jane "

V.250. John Maltby, b. Oct. 22, 1778 (Lenox Rec.) (Wm.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. in 1805-6- Lucy Cox, dau. of William and Mary (Swaine) Cox, of the "Boston Tea Party," who died at Verona, N.Y. aged 56. William Cox was b. in Cambridge, Mass. in 1750, d. and buried in West Fairlee, Vt. Upon his tombstone is the inscription:

"He Helped Steep The Tea In The Atlantic."

He and his four brothers served in the Rev. War.

"He was one of the "Band of Indians" of the "Boston Tea Party" who on Dec. 16, 1773, dumped the Tea overboard in Boston Harbor."

"Gentleman--You are desired to meet at Liberty Tree" announced the Town Crier, during the Tea Tax crises of 1773.

"Under the branches of Liberty Tree; Boston's famous Tea Party was planned. There it was decided that patriots dressed as Indians should throw the British Tea into the Sea."

My notes are largely from the records of Arthur Norman Maltby. As nearly as I can see it, Lucy Cox was daughter of Daniel Cox, of Watertown, Mass., and his wife Susan ----. He gives this on p. 4 of his MS. and on p.6, calls her dau. of William Cox and Mary Swain. Mar. Nov. 29, 1779, at Cambridge, Mass. He has as reference for Lucy, dau. of Daniel and Susan Cox, Martha Stanley Humphreys, who was a professional genealogist. William Cox was s. of Capt. Matthew Cox and Elizabeth Russell.





