Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

he leaves: "the Cider Mill to be equally divided between his three sons;" and, "To James and Jonathan, house I bought of Titus Parker, with the orchard and meadow." (Another bequest to Jonathan, which was not sent me). He also leaves Jonathan "My desk and one silver spoon marked with my honored Father's name". . ."The rest of my move- ables to be equally divided between my three sons." Rev. Jonathan (4) Maltby, who was second cousin to the above Jonathan, and whose accuracy can hardly be questioned, (see his rec- ords contained in his Maltby Family History, Appendix II, p. , in this MS.), wrote of him: "Jonathan Maltby married a ---- Culver. He and Solomon Talmage were detached from the troop under Capt. Treat of Milford and were with him at the capture of Burgoyne. Went to Lenox, Mass." There can be no question as to which Jonathan Maltby is intended, as in his "Family record," Rev. Jonathan wrote; (without (2),(3),etc.) (the compiler supplies numbers for clearness) "Squire Samuel (2) Maltby, Yale College, Class 1712, was Father to Samuel (3), who came to Northford. He and my Father were brothers' children, or first cousins. He had one daughter, married Bille Tyler, son of Paul Tyler, and three sons: Samuel (4), James (4), and Jonathan (4). Samuel (4) married Rosanah Coe, Durham: 3 sons--- John (5), Timothy (5) and Morris (5) (died in mid-life). John (5) married Elizabeth Ives, 4 children: Samuel Chauncy (6), John (6), Selina (6), Julia (6). Samuel Chauncy (6) mar. Ruth Collins, 2 children. He died in early life, his widow now lives in the ancient home. James (4) married Sarah Coe, 2 sons and 2 daughters: James (5), Henry (5), Sarah (5), married Augustus Tyler; son Atwater (6) Tyler, Yale College, M.D. in practise in New Haven. James (5) and Henry (5) have families, are now living in Northford." His removal from the ancestral home to live at Lenox, Mass., probably put knowledge of the family of Jonathan of Lenox out of reach of Rev. Jonathan 4, just as the removal of some sons of Benjamin (3) and Elizabeth (Fowler) Maltby to other places appears to have kept Deacon Charles Foote from completing records of the families of sev- eral prominent men. Foote carried out records of others who did not move away. Children of Jonathan Maltby 1751* and ---- ----: V.381. Jacob Maltby**. b. Feb. 28, 1782; d. Nov. 2, 1856 V.382. Son *** " V.383. Lucy " d. age 16/18 V.384. Polly*** " V.385. Chester " b. Dec. 8, 1788; d. May 18, 1837. V.386. William " b. July 4, 1800, "N.Y." (1850 Census); d. 1875. V.387. Isaac " b. 1801/2 "N.Y." (according to census, Mich.) *For a discussion concerning the identity of Jonathan Molbey of Camillus, N.Y., with Jonathan Maltbie IV.117, please see Appendix No.2. **Birthplace "Conn." See U.S. and N.Y. census 1850-55, Town of Van Buren, Onondaga County. ***Presumptive on the basis of 1790 Census and 1800 Census.





