Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

worlds.---His close asjoining neighbor, the pious Deacon Betts (?) said (?) "I have as much charity for him as for any"--I asked him: "Are you willing to commit your self into the hands ofGod and have him dispose of you just as he pleaseth?" He answered, "O, yes! yes!" Rev. S. M. Pastor of the other Church said at the grave: "He was be- loved by all--and they who knew him best, loved him most."

I am distressed for our much afflicted Sister! If he was esteemed by all how much must he be loved by her! The more lovely his presence the more painful his absence! The bosom companion--his dearest friend--her other self is put out of her sight! Lover and friend are removed! From early life she has been connected with him in conjugal union--He participated in her joys and supported her in her sorrows--But he is gone to return no more!--God hath changed his counternance and sent him away! If he practised the religion of Christ, O, may she strive to imitate the blessed Redeemer!

She says she has leaned too much upon him--May she now repose safely on Christ, the never failing Friend!

But about you! do not I place too much affection & depend too much upon a dear wife! Search and see--Alas who is exempt from human fraility & sin! Dear Lord! pardon and save from further sin!

There are moments when she is overwhelmed with sorrow--afliction gains the ascendency & she is drowned in tears! In the main she con- ducts well & endures her loss with more fortitude than I could have expected.

God is always better to us than our deserts, if not better to us than our fears. Sister is under singular obligations of grave sorrow under this weight of affliction. For God hath provided a husband in a Son! Both sons behave well! Augustus, though young in years is old (I hope) in Christian experiences!! While he watched the agonies of his dying Father I could but marvel and rejoice at this serene composure!

He is not without sensibility & at times it gets the mastery (but blessed be God!) grace soon triumphs!--The Christian strength- ened by Christ can and will perform wonders! Let each soldier of Jesus be weak in himself, but strong in the almighty Capt. of Sal- vation! Let him be humble & dependent, persevering & prayerful-- watchful & faithful even to the death.

Man in his best estate is altogether vanity! In his sinful state--he is never without a forlorn hope & without God in the world! How awful! How hopeless!--!--! But the lamb of God hath come to seek & to save that which was lost! now abideth hope! A hope that maketh not ashamed & abideth forever! Shout your hosannahs ye angels that excell in strength. And ye Saints wake up your powers--swell every heart, tune every string, to the glory of God!

Says the Apostle to the Christian, "All are yours, more than eye hath ever seen! more than ear hath ever heard! more than tongue can describe of name--even Christ, is young and ye are Christ's. Christ is God's! O, the height--the depth--the length and breadth, the love of God! How past finding out!---!---!

The recent parting with our friend may remind us of a citing (?) To meet pious friends after long absence in this coublem (?) of meeting in the peaceful shores of blest (----) day in heaven, must it have been when Abel, that dear son of redeeming love was conveyed by shining Angels & welcomed by the pure brothren to the heavenly





