"When the enemy came to New Haven, some of the dear patriot lad- ies for fear, fled to the mountains with bed and bedding, assisted by a faithful colored man." (Emily Maltby Page writes after this:
"My great grandmother Taintor was one of them.")
"Capt. Jonathan Munson, Capt. Solomon Talmage, Mr. Elihu Foot, Squire John Potter and Mr. James Linly were pensioner.
The war of the Revolution was a time that "tried men's souls," and women's too, sometimes. Vile characters would tell frightful stories that the enemy were coming, to frighten the women and amuse themselves.
Blessed be the God of Love and peace! We live in time of tran- quility and in the Land of Freedom.
Northford has furnished a large proportion of Teachers of Church Music. Rev. Lemuel Tyler of Preston, Conn., taught in Fair- field and in Fishkill, New York.
Dr. Augustus Williams of Canandaigua, New York, taught in New- berryport, Mass. General Isaac Maltby and Colonel Stephen Maltby were eminent teachers--were much employed at home and abroad.
Mr. Solomon Fowler and Mr. Levi Fowler were teachers. Mr. L. Fowler taught in Pennsylvania and many years in Northford. There has ever been a little band of vocal and instrumental music. For more than sixty years Church music has been cultivated. First, by Rev. Andrew Law. Since then taught by him, and their descendants.
There has been a large proportion of district and high school teachers. Men and women--at home and abroad have been much employed. Hence probably the remark--"The Village exhibits a scholastic appear- ance." New Haven, Oct. 27, 1847. Here it is worthy of remark that all the Pensioners (with one exception) are laid in the dust, and every one who taught church music. And of the 31 educated at Yale College, 22 deceased. Of my Class Hon. Elihul Goodrich and myself are all that I know of now living.
'Soon will the guardian angel cheer My exit from this world of care.' "J. M."
*Mrs. Page, a Maltby descendant, added a note asking "who was the Jonathan Maltby, at the Capture of General Burgoyne."
It may well be best to answer that question by quoting from the last page of Rev. Jonathan Maltby's history of the family: viz---
"Squire Samuel Maltby, Yale College, Class, 1712, was Father to Samuel who came to Northford. He and my Father were brother's child- ren, or first cousins. He had one daughter who married Bille Tyler, son of Paul Tyler; 3 sons, Samuel, James, Jonathan.
Samuel married Rosanna Coe, Durham; 3 sons, John, Timothy, Morris (died in mid-life).
John married Elizabeth Ives, 4 children, Samuel Chauncey, John, Selina, Julian.
Samuel Chauncey mar. Ruth Collins, 2 children.
He died in early life. His widow now lives in the ancient home.
James married Sarah Coe, 2 sons, 2 daus., James, Harry, Sarah, mar. Augustus Tyler, son Atwater Tyler, Yale Coll., M.D. in practice near New Haven, Eunice, deceased.
James and Henry have families and are now living in Northford.