Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

"Thou art the dear Maiden innocently sweet
     Who art fair white paper, an unsullied sheet.
     I am the happy man, whom Heaven ordained
     To write fair my name and take thee for my pains.

Has Rev'd--sufficient health to tie the lovely bands? Or will it be expedient to write my Rev'd. friend Mr. Holmes to ride out with me, and perform the gentle office?

With the finest sensibilities and the purest emotions I am waiting to be completely yours.

                                 Jonathan Maltby."

The copy was sent by Mrs. Frederick E. Foster, who wrote below the letter: "My sister has the white satin dress the bride wore at the marriage."

Rev. Jonathan Maltby was the first to attempt writing a Maltby Family History. His original copy is owned by the compiler. It is dated "1848" and marked "Correct History." There are nine pages of closely written material. This MS. was given me by Jonathan's grandaughter Mrs. Henry J. Stevens, 90 Grand Avenue, Fair Haven, Conn. (Jane Almira Maltby (6) dau. of Lucius (5)).

When I called on her she was out in the garden and came in wearing a long red zibelline cloak, which had belonged to Submit (Taintor) Maltby. The MS is tied with pieces of blue and yellow silk, which Mrs. Stevens said, were from a dress of Submit's.

A picture from a painting of Jonathan Maltby's home was pub- lished in the "Maltby-Malbie Family History." Unfortunately, as can be seen in this picture, the house was situated on the bank of Mill River. Mr. Horace Day, an old gentleman, told me that when the home was broken up--an attic full of old papers, letters, etc., were sim- ply thrown out the windows and the waters of the river were white with floating documents.

When the contents of the fine old Oliver Ellsworth Maltby resi- sence on "Maltby Place" Fairhaven, were being sold, I bought two plates which had belonged to Rev. Jonathan--an old "blue willow pattern" plate, and a "flowing blue" large soup plate.

Rev. Jonathan graduated from Yale College in the Class of 1779. The compiler owns his Diploma, with old blue paper seal. It is

signed                       Ezra Stiles, L.L.D. (?) President
    Sol. Lockwood            Eliplrt. Williams
    Timothy (unreadable)    *Warham Williams
                             Stephanus Johnson
                             Nathel. Taylor
                             Ewsar (?) Goodrich.

*(Rev. Warham William's daughter Abigail mar. Col. Stephen Maltby, brother of Rev. Jonathan, and ancestor of the compiler).

"Diary of Ezra Stiles, Pres. Yale Coll. Catalogue of Yale at my installment, July 8, 1778--Juniors: Jonathan Maltbie, Branford."

The original of Rev. Jonathan's account of Rev. War times which we give below, is owned by the compiler.

                                 "Maltby Place. April 21, 1848."
            "Birthday, of my 90th Year.
    "It was with sin, heart from the full riven world aged and
weary, the soul longs for heaven. 





