Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

"When about 22 he united with the Congregational church in Branford. After living for a time at Stony Creek he removed, near the close of the Revolution to Norfolk, north part of country."

"In the autum of 1814 he moved to Groton, Tompkins Co., New York, where his wife died, April 14, 1816, rejoicing in the prospect of a glorious immortality. She was a Munger of Madison, Conn.

"In 1820 he moved to Ohio with his son Daniel and died in South- ington, County Trumbull.

"He was a true patriot. He warmly espoused the cause of the country. He possessed the spirit of '76 and cheerfully devoted his property and his personal efforts to obtain freedom and Independence. The good of his country he earnestly sought till his death.

"He was a decided, consistent Christian. He loved the Sabbath. He loved the Sanctuary and the distinguishing doctrines of grace. When health permitted, even in his old age and almost at the close of life, he was a constant attendant on the public worship of God and a most careful listner, to the preaching of the gospel. He would never admit that going to meeting on the Sabbath was any detriment to his health, though his residence was more than three miles to meeting. He ceased to serve the Table after his son was elected Deacon.

"The cause of the slave lay near his heart. When he was 95 years old he rode ten miles or more to attend an anti-slavery convention on the 4th of July and spoke on the occasion. The next year he was present at a Sabbath School celebration on the 4th of July."

"He was decidedly a temperance man. After using tobacco for more than half a century he entirely discontinued it--and in resis- ting the pernicious but adhesive habit, gave an example of consion- tiousness and firmness that deserve to be universally followed."

In the close of a letter from him he says:--"I should be happy for a visit from you and talk of comforts and trials of our Pilgrim- age and the Joys which I trust are reserved for us Through Christ who hath loved and given Himself for us."

"An interview would have been sweet and precious--it would have been marrow and fatness. But how much--Oh how much sweeter, holier, happier in our Father's "house where sin and sorrow bid adiou."

"The last days of this venerable Pilgrim Father were his best days. He was daily ripening for his heavenly home! The full enjoy- ment of his God and Savior, and hosts of Redeemed friends!

He litterally died in peace and sleeps in Jesus!" New Haven, 1847 Signed: J. M."

(Rev. Jonathan (4) Maltby)

The following is also by the Rev. Jonathan Maltby.

    "Soft as the Zepher, died at Eve away,
     Calm as the moonbeams of a dewy night,
     Bright as the sunset of a summer's day
     Was Maltby's transit to a world of light.
     Friends shed for him no bitter tear,
     But joy that he has gone to peaceful rest
     So rich in virtue and so ripe in years.
Rev. Jonathan wrote of Deacon Benjamin:--

"He had 22 children with their companions, all professors, 59 grand children, 55 professors, 76 great-grand children and one of the 6th generation--270 descendants."





