In "1764. Noah Maltby admitted from the church at Springfield (Mass.) to the Salisbury church." At this time he would have been twenty years of age. From Salisbury he went to Goshen and lastly to Woodbury, Conn. He died prior to 1786.
(Woodbury Deeds, Vol. 24, p. 209)
"Jonathan Baker of Woodbury to Noah Maltby of Goshen, for #180, 57 acres of land in Woodbury lying on each side of the east meadow brook, bounded:---
S. Highway
W. Thomas Judson
N. Nathan and Abijah Martin
E. Asabel Martin
There is a dwelling-house and barn standing on the premisses." "2 Feb. 1785."
(Vol. 25, p. 25)
"Asabel Martin of Woodbury to Noah Maltbie of Woodbury, for #51, 10 shillings--15 acres of land in Woodbury on the east side of the east meadow brook, bounded:---
S. and E. Highway.
N. Abijah Martin. "18 May, 1785"
W. said Maltbie."
(Woodbury Probate Rec., Vol. IX, p. 10)
"At a Court of Probate held at Woodbury, Jan. 3, 1786.
"Huldah Maltby, the sole executor of the Last Will and Testa- mony of Noah Maltby late of Woodbury, deceased, appeared in Court and exhibited the Will and moved to have it approved, which being read and considered is approved and ordered to be recorded as follows:
"In the Name of God Amen--I Noah Maltby of Woodbury, in Litch- field County, being sound of mind and memory, (Thanks to the Most High God) and calling to mind and duly considering the uncertainty of human life, that it is appointed all men once to die, do there- fore make this my last Will and Testament.
First and principally I commit my soul into Hands of my Al- mighty and Blessed Master, trusting in his mercy through the merit of my dear Redeemer for the Remission of all my sins. My body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buried at the discretion of ex- ecutor here after mentioned and as touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God in the course of his wise Providence to bless me with, after my just Debts are paid. I Give, Devise and Bequesthe in the following manner:---
Imprimis: To my Beloved wife Huldah I give my Negro woman, Rose, to be her own proper estate. Also my will is that my beloved wife Huldah have the improvement of all my Estate, both Real and personal to bring up my family of children with, until such time as each one of them become of lawful age, so long as she shall continue my Wid- ow and no longer.
Item. To my eldest son Edin I give a double portion of my real estate to him and his heirs for ever.
To the rest of my children, both sons and daughters I give the remainder of my estate to be equally divided among them when they shall become of Lawful age and Lastly-