Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

The list of signers is given and amongst the names are those of William Maltby and Samuel Wright. (Ref. "Barber's Hist. Coll. of Mass., p. 81").

Pittsfield, Mass. Deeds show that "William Maltbie was of Lenox, in 1776-7."

By 1777 we have his Rev. War record.

M. Olin, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Mass. sent the follow- ing: certificate of his service.

"William Maltby, residence not given, as serving in a company commanded by Capt. Oliver Belding, of Lenox, Col. John Brown's reg- iment, in 1777."

We have seen that the first wife of William Maltby was Lydia Ritter. The will of her father is given below. (Hartford Probate Rec. Vol. 21, p. 21)

"June 12, 1770.

The last Will and Testament of Thomas Ritter of Hartford, de- creased, was exhibited in Court by Daniel and John Ritter, two of the executors named in said Will, who accepted their trust. Said Will being proved is by this Court approved and ordered to be recorded." (Vol. 21, p. 26)

"Will of Thomas Ritter of Hartford--dated 13 April 1770.

"To loving wife Elizabeth--1/3 part of buildings and improveable lands as long as she shall remain my widow.

"To dau. Lydia Maulby #5 in value in Indian corn at the market price.

"Two my two grand-daugh., Mary and Elizabeth Maulby--a piece of land on the East side of the great River.

"To son Moses Ritter #20, value, to be paid in rye or Indian corn.

"To my two sons Daniel and John Ritter--all my other lands." (Vol. 21, p.27)

"At a court held 16 July 1770, it was certified by John Bek a Justice of the Peace, that Moses Ritter, a minor, being 14 years of age, made choice of William Maulby of Caanan, in the County of Litchfield, to be his guardian, which this court allows and the said Maulby now acknowledges himself bound; said minor is a son of Thomas Ritter late of Hartford, deceased." (Vol. 22, p. 160)

"Administration on the Estate of Moses Ritter late of Hartford, dec'd was granted to Elizabeth Ritter, mother of said dec'ed who gave bond with Nathaniel Roberts of Hartford."

In the "Index to Hartford, Conn. Deeds" we find the name of William Maltby who bought land there in 1764. "William and Thomas Ritter bought land from the same person." (Name not sent). They both owned land in the same vicinity at Hartford.

"The last of William's deeds, dated '4 May 1771' says he was of Caanan in Litchfield Co." (Lenox, Mass. Record)

"William Maltby, chosen and voted, surveyor of highways, etc., Jan. 30, 1775, tithing man, commissioned to buy blankets for the War." (Kindness of Mr. F. A. Molby)

"Berkshire Middle District Registry of Deeds, Pittsfield."





