The "R" may stand for Richard, as he had a brother Richard, bap- tized 15 Aug. 1642 at East Retford, who was buried at East Retford 7 Aug. 1644.
As Robert Maltby's token bears the arms of the Mereer's Company, it seems very evident that he was a member of this importand Company. The Will of Robert, brother of John Maltby of East Retford, it as follows" "Abstract of Will of Robert Maltby of Bawtry. Dated 10 Nov. 1660.
Eldest son William Maltby land I had with his Mother in Clare- brough, Marhouse and house in East Retford.
Second son Robert Maltby the house I now live in, land called Catt's Bethey Mooreland at Springthorpe in Lincolnshire and to be exer.
Son John Maltby under 21, # 200 (pounds) Cousin John Chatter. Fourth son Daniel Maltby the Crowns. Daughter Barbara Maltby # 200 (pounds) Nephew John Chatter 20/ - (shillings) Cousin Ratshall Willimson 10/ Sister Mary Long # 5 (pounds) Nephews Robert Maltbie # 5 (pounds) John Maltby. Supervisors, Cousins John Chatterton and Robert Hindmarsh Wife Anne 100 (pounds) Witnesses: Tho. Swallow his mark. Anne Watton her mark. Proved in Perogative Court Yorkshire, 1663-5. 46 - 66."
Note. "Cousin" was a term loosely applied in early days. Robert's sister Ellen, had married John Chatterton. "Cousin" in this instance would really be his brother-in-law. The "Cousin Ratchel Williamson" is very important to New England descendants, as Robert's brother, John of East Retford, had married Mary Williamson. I am inclined to think Rachel was a niece of Mary William- son, and was, eventually, wife of our emigrant ancester, William Malt- by, whose first wife was Rachel, as we know from the following: (from Rev. A. N. Wakefield, Visar of Bawtry, June, 1936) "1669. Jeane, the daughter of William Maltby and Rachell his wife, was baptized the 29th day of October, 1669." (Certified Copy.) This is undoubtedly the "eldest daughter Jane", mentioned in the Will of William Maltby of Branford, Conn. 1710, who leaves her "these things which were her mothers". I think William's daughter Elizabeth was also by this wife as she names her first child "Rachel"---and so far as I can learn this was not a name in the family of Abraham Hoadley, who was her husband.
It will have been noticed are this how the form of spelling varies even in the same document. So far as I can learn, it was done for the purpose of making no mistake possible as to the person or place intended.
The place, Morehouse, is only a few miles from Chapel Clierton, which is 8 or 9 miles S.E. of East Retford, and "Moorhouse" is 5 miles due East of Clierton.
It is possible Morehouse is an error for Moregate, as Robert's son William, in his Will, 1665, mentions houses and lands in Moregate, Clarkbores", etc. These lands evidently were his mother's, Anne Steak- ham. Both Steakham and Williamson were prominent families.
"The Crown" which Robert leaves his son Daniel, is the Crown Inn at Bawtry.
"Nephews John Maltby and Robert Maltby" were sons of his brother John Maltby of East Retford, Will 1647.