"His name appears in the new trust deed of the church, dated 1754, as a trustee. But it appears in a still more interesting connection. Many of his congregation were in the habit of migrat- ing every year to Turks Island for the salt raking business there. About 1764, their rights and privileges were being assailed by the Bahamas Government who were claiming jurisdiction over them. A petition by the Bermudian salt rakers in which the names of no few- er than ten". . . .(unreadable) "occur, was presented to the House of Assembly. To support this with the authorities in England, the Assembly instituted an enquiry, and called for the testimony, prin- cipally of aged witnesses to the fact that Bermudians might be said to be the first discovers of the islands and that so far back as 1678 they had been making annual visits to them for the purpose of salt raking. The Rev. John Maltby appears among the witnesses, as we learn from the "Journals of the House of Assembly." "This quo- tation was taken from "Reminissences of an old Bermuda Church." Copies are still obtainable from Messrs. H.A. and E. Smith, Hamilton, Bermuda, price 50 cents."
Note. It would seem that Rev. John Maltby testified from know- ledge of his own ancestors having been engaged in this salt raking. His great-grandfather, William (1) had only been dead seventeen years, when Rev. John was born, and we know he owned a West India trade. William's inventory mentions: "8 bushels of salt, # 2-4s-."
I recall going to the Episcopal Church at Bermuda when I was ten years old. After the service the Rector spoke to Mother and upon hearing her name, said: "You should have gone to the Presbyterian Church as Maltby is a name connected with it."
Of Rev. John Maltby of Wilton, S. Carolina, there is little. (South Carolina Hist. & Gen. Magazine, Vol. X, p. 167)
"Died. Nov. 1771. John Maltby, Wilton." (Howe's Hist. Pres. Church in South Carolina," and "Richard's 'Hanover, New Hampshire.'")
"Obit. Here rests the body of ye Rev. John Maltby, born at Hew Haven in Connecticut, Aug. ye 3rd A.D. 1727, graduated at Yale College, A.D. 1747, minister to Presbyterian Church at Bermuda, then at Wilton, South Carolina. A strenuous Apostle of the doctrines of Grace--convinced of original Guilt and confident in ye Sole Righten- ousness of Christ, to Justify lost men before God.--In preaching zealous and pa--ten (?) in his doctrines,--in his sermons judicious-- mental powers, embelished with sacred and Polite Literature. In his friendship constant, sincere--cordial and trusty--detesting craft-dissimulation and Fraud--He died Sept. 30th A.D. 1771. A.E. 44." (Copied from a stone tablet 6 feet by 3 feet; four feet from Elder President Wheelock's monument at Hanover, New Hampshire). (Howe's account states: "He died at New Haven where he had gone for his health.")
It has been generally supposed that Rev. John Maltby left no children, nor was he thought to have married. Through the kindness of complete strangers it has been established that he married in Bermuda, and had children.
I have found an extract from the will of John Maltby and Susanna his wife, dated 1769. He left his property in the hands of nine Trustees, all members of the Presbyterian Church, I think. "Several tracts of land and houses in Trust to their children."