We quote from Rev. Jonathan (4) Maltby: "Rev. John Maltby, Yale, 1747. President Stiles said of him: 'he was the best Hebrewisher of the age.' (i.e. Hebrew Scholar)
"In 1791 he came from South Carolina to my Father's" (Benjamin (3)) "in Northford on his way to Dartmouth College to succeed Pres- ident Wheelock. In two weeks he was a corpse."
"He was a tall large man, majestic deportment, pleasant, sociable, affectionate manners."
Mrs. Armstrong Maltbie of Syracuse, N.Y., wrote:
"Rev. John Maltbye of Bermuda, Presbyterian minister, was a room-mate of President Stiles of Yale, 1745, ordained by Presbytery of New York, Presbyterian church at Wilton, South Carolina, born at New Haven, died at Dartmouth College. His mother, widowed, married Dr. Wheelock, who educated him."
(New York Gen. & Biog. Record, Vol. 25, p. 188-9)
"After consulting with Mr. Pemberton, the celebrated Joseph Bellamy, and Eleazer Wheelock, the founder of Dartmouth College, Wheelock recommended his step-son John Maltby of New Haven, a tutor in the College of Nasson Hall (now the College of New Jersey) who was a nephew of the well known James Davenport of New Haven.
"Maltby was ordained by the New York Presbytery in 1754 and sent to Bermuda, where he remained near the 'close of his life, in 1771.'" (N.B. The name in this printed record is spelled "Maltly").
(From: Julia E. Mercer, "Aldie, " Smith Parish, Bermuda. Dec. 8, 1927)
"The Rev. John Maltby was the 2nd Presbyterian Minister to come in to Bermuda. The 1st, The Rev. James Paul, (1720-1750) had come from Scotland, but now, 30 years later, the Congregation petitionen the Presbytery of New York to receive them into their ecclesiastical connection and to send one of their Ministers to fill the Vacancy in Bermuda and the Rev. John Maltby was then sent.
"He came in 1750 and died in Bermuda in 1768." (Note. This is an error. He did not die in Bermuda).
"His marriage to Susanna Hutchings, Nov. 7, 1754 is recorded in the Register of the Episcopal Minister doing duty in the Parish of Warwick at that time. His children were naturally baptised in the Presbyterian Church and no record of Mr. Maltby's (work?) is to be found."
The Reverend A. B. Cameron, Minister of the Warwick Presbyterian Church at Bermuda, very kindly sent the following notes:
"The Rev. John Maltby, 1750-1768. Another pretty long ministry to the advantage of the Congregation in those days. Two things are on record with regard to Mr. Maltby. The first is that the con- gregation into their ecclesiastical connection petitioned the Presby- tery of New York to be received. The Mother country, including Scotland, was very remote. The port of New York was about the near- est on the Continent to Bermuda, and with it Bermuda shippers did the greatest amount of their trade. Mr. Maltby had, himself, come from the Presbytery, and naturally wished to continue in connection with it.