Hurd, Jr. was b. in 1722, and died Jan. (or Feb.) 1790, at Killing- worth.
Children: V.148. Esther (or Hester) Hurd, b. Nov. 9, 1746, Killingworth, Conn. mar. Jesse Kelsey, May 12, 1769. V.149. Hettie Hurd, b. about 1748; m. ---- Sillman. V.150. Sarah " b. about 1750; m. ---- Griffin. V.151. Jemina " b. about 1752. V.152. Lois " b. about 1754; mar. Jeremiah Atwater. V.153. Samuel " b. July 14, 1757, Killingworth, Conn. V.154. Seth " b. July 7, 1759 " " V.155. Lewis " b. May 26, 1760/1 " " V.156. Phebe " b. Oct. 17, 1762/3 " " ; d. July 21, 1765. V.157. Eve " b. July 2, 1765 " " V.158. Mehitable " b. Mar. 15, 1772 " " V.159. Ambrose " b. Mar. 17, 1777
IV.47. William Maltby, b. Apr. 19, 1729 (John 3, John 2, Wm.1). Saybrook Rec. Vol. II, p. 313, reads: "William Molbie, b. April 29, 1729." So far as can be learned he died unmarried. William's father, John Maltby was of Wallingford, so it is pos- sible he is the William of the following record:
"William Maltby of Wallingford, plaintiff, against Andrew Gall- oway. Jan. 1755." William would be 24 years old at this date. However we must not forget William, born 1731, son of William. (See IV.72).
IV.48. Mehitable Maltby, b. ----? of Saybrook, Conn. (John 3, John 2, Wm.1). Mar. Jonathan Osborn. The record reads: "John Osborn of New Haven and Mehitabel Malbe of Wallingford were joined in marriage Jan. 30, 1755, by Sam. Hall, Jus. of Peace." He was a merchant of New Haven, and son of Jonathan, b. 1692, son of Jeremiah, b. 1656, son of Jeremiah, b. 1620, son of Thomas Osborn, New Haven, 1639, "who sailed for Barbabos in 1634."
Ref. for the children is Rev. Jonathan (4) Maltby and (Obit. Religious Intellegence, 1820).
Children: V.160. Abigail Osborne, b. about 1757 V.161. Nancy " b. " 1759 V.162. Mehitabel " b. " 1761 (Untraced) V.163. Jonathan " b. " 1763; Yale College. V.164. Lois " b. Jan. 19, 1757.
IV.49. Abigail Maltby ("Malbee") b. 1731 (John 3, John 2, Wm.1). Mar. May 27, 1765, John Cornwell, at New Haven, Conn. (Ref. N.H. Mar. Reg.). On this record the name is "Maultbee." He was b. in Branford, Conn. Aug. 1738, and Abigail was of Killingworth. They resided in New Haven where she died, Feb. 20, 1803, aged 72 1/2.