Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

(p. 441) Picture of Graves of Gen. David Waterbury and of his daughter, Molly."

There is also a picture of a "party dress and slipper" of Molly Waterbury; it is a charming brocaded satin, the bodice made with elbow length sleeves, it is cut slightly low and features a front of lace from which the brocade is turned back. A lace panel is down the front of the skirt, which is hooped. The original was in the New Haven Historical Society rooms.

The Waterbury line of descent is 1. William Waterbury and wife, Alice. 2. John Waterbury and Rose Lockwood. 3. John Waterbury and wife Mary. 4. John Wterbury and Susanna Newkirk. 5. Major Genl. David Waterbury and Mary Maltby.

Children of Mary Maltby and Genl. David Waterbury.
IV.138A. William Waterbury, b. Oct. 10, 1765; d. Jan. 10, 1842.
IV.139.  Molly       "      b. Jan. 1, 1769; d. Sept. 24, 1795,

III.44. Hannah Maltbie, b. Oct. 5, 1741 (Jonathan 2, Wm. 1). Mar. Dec. 11, 1765, Ebenezer Peter Bulkley, of Fairfield, Conn., son of Joseph and Esther (Hill) Bulkley. He was b. at Fairfield, Dec. 5, 1731. (Ref. Bulkley Gen. and Fairfield Records). In 1897 their residence in Fairfield was still standing. The compiler has a news- paper picture of their house, printed in the "Bridgeport Daily Stan- dard, March 11, 1916." Beneath the picture it states: "This house, which ante dates the Revolution, was the home of Peter Ebenezer Bulkley, when the British landed in Fairfield in 1779, it was one of the first houses to be encounted by them on their march up Beach lane, and was set on fire, but saved. The family had fled up the hills in an ox cart at the approach of the British. It is a well preserved example of the old salt-box type. Valuables buried in the garden during the Revolution are in possession of descendants today."

A sub-heading in the long article is "Fired On by the British." "Peter Ebenezer, a brother of Nathan Bulkley, lived in the house at the time the British sailed up the Sound to make an attack on Fairfield. The view of this house presents the side open to the fire of the British guns. It is said that one of the old shing- les on the house at that time, is preserved as a relic by a Bridge- port family and shows the bullet hole. . . .Mr. Bulkley's wife, Hannah, a daughter of Major Maltbie, hurried the eldest son Eben, 12 years of age, out to the yard for the oxen, hitched out front. The cart was hastily leaded with a few of the most necessary house- hold effects and the five children were bundled on top, the house abandoned, and the family set out for a place of safety back in the country. They had trundled along for five miles, up towards Platts- ville before a place of refuge was found with some hospitable far- mers by the name of Wilson". . . .Some of the possessions they had taken to bury, anticipating an attack were:--"Some of the lovely old blue China, brought by the trading vessels from the famous pott- eries of China and other far eastern parts, was hidden in a hole in the garden. Some delicate crystal bearing an ornamental tracing in delicate lines, was also carefully buried. The simple pewter plates and platters, beautiful in shape, were among the treasures consigned to the hiding place in the ground.". . . ."Some of these relics are





