Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

streets, at that time a fashionable part of town, and here, doubtless, he watched his good Brigantine "Friends Adventure" of which he was cap- tain, and his father, owner, or part owner, riding at anchor in the harbor.

"The Trowbridge Genealogy, p. 52," tells us that: Hezekiah Sabin came to New Haven about 1743, and bought of the heirs of William Malt- bie, the house on the corner of Water and Union streets, near the Creek."

Capt. William Maltby married Elizabeth Morris, b. 1675. She was daughter of John Morris and wife, Hannah Bishop; and grand-daughter of Thomas Morris and his wife, Elizabeth.

Capt. William was probably of Branford in 1690, for in that year he is recorded there as joining the church.

(New Haven Town Records, Vol. II, pp. 11-12)

"John Morris, shipwright, of New Haven, for # 110, sells his house and his land to his son-in-law, William Maltbie of New Haven, Mariner, whose wife is Elizabeth Morris Maltby. Jan. 1, 1698-99."

We have seen that the wife of John Morris was Hannah Bishop. She was the eldest child of Deputy Gov. James Bishop, and therefore sister of Abigail Bishop, third wife of William (1) Maltby. Abigail Bishop was own aunt of Elizabeth Morris and step-mother of Capt. William Maltby.

"William Maltby was a sea captain and died in the West Indies, 1701, aged only 27," writes Mrs. Cushman; while Ralph D. Smith stated, "he was lost at sea, in March, 1701" and another record reads: "he died of yel- low fever in the West Indies."

From the following records it is evident he left New Haven in December, 1700, as "Master of the Friends Adventure," and never returned to his young wife and infant son, William, who was then but seven months old.

(New Haven County Court Rec. Vol. II, p.52)

Dec. 3, 1700. "Wm. Maltbie, Master of ye Brigantine ffriend's Adventure, made complaint against Daniell Thomas of said New Haven, for absenting himself from the vessel without leave." (Vol. II, p.53)

"Wm. Maltbie of New Haven, Master of ye Brigantine Friend's Adven- ture, was fined # 5 for receiving on board a quantity of hogs head head- ing and other timber contrary to law." (Vol. II, p.65)

"At a Court of Probate held at New Haven, April ye 30th day, 1701.

                                     Present: William Maltbie 
                                              Jeremiah Osborne, 
                                              John Alling, Esqrs. 
                                                  Justices Quorum.

"Administration of ye estate of William Maltbie, Mariner, late of New Haven, deceased in ye West Indies, was granted to Mr. John Morris and Mrs. Elizabeth Maltbie, widow and relict of said deceased of said New Haven, upon their recognizance of # 300 well and truly paid to administer ye same."

(Vol. II, p. 286). Probate records of New Haven, Conn., give:

"The inventory of x/m William Maltbie's Estate, deceased, taken





