Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

VII.2043. Emily Williams Maltby, b. Nov. 8, 1848, New Haven, Ct. (Geo.W.6, Augustus 5, Stephen 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 22, 1873, Charles Edward Alling, of New Haven, son of George and Mary (Alverson) Alling. He was in the lumber business. Descended from Roger (1) Alling of New Haven and many other well-known families. Res. in the old Alling residence--New Haven.

VIII.3420.  Charles Edward Alling, b. Feb. 16, 1875.
VIII.3421.  Eleanor Pierson   "    b. Nov. 24, 1876.
VIII.3422.  Percy Williams    "    b. June 5, 1879.
VIII.3423.  Roger Ellsworth   "    b. Jan. 16, 1882.

VII.2044. Eleanor Augusta Maltby, b. May 12, 1850, New Haven, Ct. (Geo.W.6, Augustus 5, Stephen 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Apr. 16, 1872, Henry Hobart Benedict, of New Haven, son of Henry W. and Sarah (Hemmingway) Benedict. He was a partner in the firm of Benedict, Pardee and Co., wholesale coal merchants. She d. Nov. 18, 1913.

VIII.3424.  Henry Hobart Benedict, Jr., b. Mch. 22, 1873.
VIII.3425.  Paul Maltby      "          b. July 2, 1877.
VIII.3426.  Helen Davenport  "          b. May 17, 1880.

My Aunt Eleanor, with Paul and Helen, accompanied us in 1895 to Germany where we spent the winter in Dresden. In May we separated, they making an extended tour of the Continent prior to returning home.

My Aunt's country house was "Beacon Heights" in East Haven and their town house was on Bishop Street, New Haven.

VII.2045. George Ellsworth Maltby, b. Feb. 9, 1852, New Haven, Ct. (Geo.W.6, Augustus 5, Stephen 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. May 6, 1872, Georgia Lord Morehouse, dau. of Louis Peck and Harriet (Brown) Morehouse, of New Haven. He descended from Thomas (1) Morehouse and his wife from Francis (1) Brown, of New Haven.

Before he was 21 Mr. Maltby was made a partner in the firm of Benedict, Pardee and Co., New Haven, and for many years before his early death was the only active partner. He was a 32 degree Mason, New Haven Commandery, No. 2, K.T. New Haven; Pyramid Temple, A.A.O.U. M.S. Bridgeport, Ct.; Lafayette Sov. Consistory, S.P.R.S., Bridge- port, Conn. Clubs: Quinnipiac; Republican League; Ansantawae, West Haven; New Haven Hist. Soc.; Chamber of Commerce. At the time of his death his papers for membership in the Society of Colonial Wars were made out--by invitation--and were to be sent in on the following day. He descended from a long line of prominent New England families, including two Colonial Governors--Gov. Brenton of Rhode Island and Gov. Law of Connecticut. Some of his paternal lines were:-- Alling, Atwater, Baker, Baldwin, Bartlett, Brenton, Burton, Butter- field, Chaplin, Chard, Clarke, Coe, Coit, Cooper, Cruttenden, Daven- port, Davis, Dickerman, Eliot, Ford, Fowler, Fuller, Gatlive, Gold, Hatche, Hall, Heath, Hodgetts, Holgrave, Holt, Hubbard, Howse, Jenners, Kilbourne, Kitchell, Larmon, Law, Lowthrop, Lyman, Maltby, Mitchell, Mather, Moss, Moody, Mould, Mulford, Nash, Norcross, Newdigate, Osborne, Parke, Peck, Pierson, Plumb, Ranger, Sayre, Scudder, Sheafe, Stalham, Strong, Tilly, Townshend, Walker, Warham, White, Williams, Woolen, Wooley.





