Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

gooseberries, currants, red, black and white, also strawberries, etc.

The house was large. At the left of the front door was the long drawing room, ending with full length glass doors opening into the billiard room; while off to the left side was the conservatory, a joy of a place to a child--camellias from white, through all shades of pink, and into deepest red, were in large tubs, jasmine, helitrope and other fragrant smaller plants were also mingled with their more showy neighbors.

The billiard room had a beautiful parquet floor--and opening to the left, was a card room, and behind that a smaller room used as an office. At the right of the front door was a large Library be- hind which was the dining-room--and from this still to the right, was a cheery, sunny morning room. The kitchen back of the butler's pantry, had a dumb waiter--(in which I have ridden many times) down to a summer kitchen and the servant's dining room. Needless to say all materials were of the best. All bedrooms had heavy mahogany doors, so thick my grandfather measured them--2 1/2 inches. Mr. Maltby always feared burglars and the house was equipped with a burglar alarm, supposed to be out of order, until one night at 2 A.M. it suddenly went off.

Although we were only there a year, and scarcely that, as three months of this period were spent in California for my mother's health--it has always been very fresh in my memory. Our stay was cut short by "Greek meets Greek," or in this case Maltby met Maltby.

Mr. Maltby broke his contract. Although my father was only thirty-three at this time, he brought a law suit against C. S. Maltby. My father's father said "George you're crazy. No one wins a law suit against C. S.--not even the smartest lawyer." Father said, "I'm not having a lawyer, I'll state my own case." The day came for the trial and my father went to the Court House. C.S. Maltby did not appear, but his lawyers met him and said "Mr. Maltby would like to have this case settled out of Court." To which my father agreed. Settled satisfactorily, but we moved.

I met C. S. Maltby once when I was six years old. He was fairly short, heavy build--in fact much the same build as my Grandfather, who was his 2nd cousin. He was immaculately dressed, silk hat, etc., and I confess I rather liked him--and certainly I had always the warmest feelings for his grandchildren whom I knew slightly in after years, William Maltby Copp and Ethel Copp.

     Children of Caleb Smith Maltby and Mary Foster:
VII.1863.  Alice Maltby, b. Apr. 4, 1843.
VII.1864.  Emma    "     b. Mar. 19, 1846.

Note. The following probably refers to Caleb Smith Maltby. "Maltby Colliery, at Maltby station, on the D. L. and W. Railroad, is operated by C. S. Maltby, with Oscar A. Fowler as general superinten- dent. Charles Smith mine boss and A. B. Tyrell, outside foreman. In 1878 this colliery employed 118 men and 11 boys under ground, and 44 men and 72 boys on the surface, and in 107 days work produced 30,000 tons of coal." (The Kingston Township, Luserne Co., Penn., Hist. of Luserne, Lackawanna and Wyoming Cos. Penn. W. W. Munsell and Co., Pub., 1800, p. 305).

Oscar A. Fowler was 1st cousin of C. S. Maltby. His mother was Rebecca Maltby, sister of DeGrasse, father of Caleb Smith Maltby.





