Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

(From "Evening Independent," Ashtabula, O., Aug. 24, 1910)

"Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Maltby Celebrated Golden Wedding."

"A notable event in the history of the Maltby family, of Ash- tabula Co. and Saybrook was the golden wedding celebrated yesterday, Aug. 23, by the family and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Maltby.

Mr. Maltby is one of the oldest well known residents of this section and is hale and hearty at eighty years of age. He married Miss Emily Hough of Rootstown, O., who has been to him a helpmeet in the founding of a home remarkable for its ideals.

Mr. Maltby, as were his ancestors before him, is a farmer. He is of the sturdy American stock which has wrested a living from the wilderness for as far back as one hundred years before the revolu- tion. He was born in a log cabin in 1830, at Southington, O., and knew well the hardships the early settlers endured. In him are typi- fied the Maltby characteristics of strong home love, honesty and firm religious principle.

This is the second golden wedding in the House of Maltby. In 1868, under the same hospitable rooftree that sheltered yesterday's event, Mr. Maltby's father, Deacon Daniel Maltby and his wife Esther Tapping, gathered about them a company of ninety to rejoice with them in attaining the fiftieth milestone in their married life. Every- one of the thirteen children were present and a host of grandchildren. Deacon Maltby was one of the earliest pioneers of the Western Re- serve, journeying with his wife to Ohio in an oxcart in 1820, from New York State.

The occasion of his son's anniversary yesterday was most de- lightful in every way. At noon bounteous tables were spread in the orchard of the old homestead for the large company of sons, daughters, grandchildren and friends and neighbors present. Rev. Collins of the Congregational church gave the invocation. At the close of the feast toastmaster T. J. Osborne presided over a short program. Telegrams and letters of congratulation from those unable to be present were read. Some old family songs were sung. Toasts were responded to briefly by Mr. H. A. Beckett, Mrs. Clark Throope and Dr. M. C. Scott, pastor of the M. E. church. Rev. W. E. Rix of Wisconsin, pronounced the benediction.

In the evening fifty of the Saybrook friends and neighbors sur- prised Mr. and Mrs. Maltby by walking in on them to further congrat- ulate and wish them many happy returns of the day. They brought with them substantial refreshments, which were served later in the eve- ning, and a token of regard in a gift of gold pieces, Rev. Collins making the presentation speech. Mr. Maltby in a voice broken with emotion responded.

Various gifts in gold and other suitable presents had been re- ceived earlier in the day.

Of the sons and daughters living there were present Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Osborne of Berea, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Beckett and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hinman of Lakewood, O., and Miss Ruth Maltby. Other out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clark Throope of Ashtabula, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Rix of Lake Nebagamon, Wis., Mrs. Mary Beckett of Lakewood.

Two sons, Albert Maltby of Hastings, Florida, and Benjamin Maltby of Long Beach, Cal., and their families were unable to be present.





