The first English ancestor of the Maltby family was one Reinfrid, who, "in 1069, went North with William the Conqueror to quell the rebellion of the Daneshe," (Charlton's History of Whitby. Yorkshire)

"When the Conqueror had settled affairs in the North, Reinfrid gained the Royal sanction to retire from military life and devote the remainder of his life to religion and entered the Monastery at Eversham, Wercastershire, and took the habit of a Benedictine Monk. In 1074, Aldwine, Alfwins and Reinfrid, from Eversham Abbey went North to restore religion in Northumberland, where they intended settling at Monkchester (now Newcastle) it being the place, before the time of the Danes, some Monks had resided. On arrival they found all was defaced and gone and the people in those parts so savage and wild, it was necessary to abandon their project.

Eventually they founded three separate Monasteries, one at Burham, one at York and one at Whitby (Yorks.)

Reinfrid to whose lot Whitby fell, on arrival there, made application to William de Perei, who greatly pleased with his company gave him all assistance in his power.

Reinfrid continued to live beloved and respected at Whitby until 1083 or 1084, when, as the records say "being well advanced in years" he never the less undertook a journey on account of the Monastary, and coming to Cramsbridge, where workman were making a bridge over the Derwent he alighted from his horse to lend them assistance, when a piece of timber falling, accidentally upon him, fractured his skull, so that he died soon after.

His little body was brought to HACHANOS (Hasknees) where he was buried in the chancel before the altar, in the church of St. Peter the Apostle." (Charlton's Hist. of Whitby)

Reinfrid came to Whitby and succeeded with the help of Earl Hugh (i.e. Hugh "Impus" de Avranches, "the Great Earl of Chester") and William de Pered, in reestablishing the Monastary of St. Eilda.

1086  (Domesday Survey, Lincolnshire) 

     "25.  In Little Grimsby (Ludburough Wapentake) 
          Fulk has 1 team there, 3 villains, 5 seke men, etc. 

     "28.  In Elkington (Loutheck Hapentake) 
          Fulk has 2 teams there, 38 seke men. 

     "33.  In Fetherby.  Fulk has it and tills it." 
          (all these were held of William de Percy) 

In 1086, Maltby, in Cleveland, North Yorkshire, from which place the family derive their name was held by "Earl Hugh of Chester and Hugh son of Norman under him. viz

     "Stinton (Stainton) a son of Askum (in Cleveland) 
     "Torinton (Thornton) 
     "Maltebi (Maltby) 
     "Englebi (Cald Ingleby)." 

Only one son is given in the Yorkshire records--but evidently Reinfrid had more than one. We take up his son, Fules or Fulk,